“Community” review: “Basic Sandwich”

As far as season and potential series finales go for Community, “Basic Sandwich” wasn’t up to par with season three’s “Introduction to Finality,” but it was still okay TV.
Maybe it felt that way because, for me, the potential end of Greendale would’ve had more emotional stakes for everyone if it would’ve happened years earlier when they were all new students in the beginning stages of their friendships and academic work. At this point in everyone’s lives, the school going away would actually be beneficial for their personal and professional growth. Their collegiate lives should be over at this point. I wasn’t excited for Greendale being saved in the way the show wanted me to be.
But because they appear to be so lost without it, the group must save it. The solution to stopping the Subway takeover of Greendale by finding buried treasure was introduced at the end of last week’s part one, and so we spend this episode finding it. Their journey, Goonies-style, leads them into the bowels of the school’s long-lost computer lab to find Greendale founder Dean Russell Borchert’s treasure. They discover that Borchert (Chris Elliott) is still alive and disheveled, hidden from civilization since the ’70s. He becomes the solution to ending the Subway purchase of Greendale when it’s all said and done.

This episode was an interesting critique of TV and sitcoms but was up and down in terms of entertainment. All of Abed’s commentary on the Jeff and Britta spinoff, sitcom characters, etc. was fine but overall it didn’t work for me as much as I was expecting it to after last week’s “Basic Story.” I tolerated all the buried treasure, Duncan electrocution, underground computer lab, missing school founder stuff, thinking it would all have some deeper meaning to it. Was it a meta joke on how the show didn’t conform to what NBC originally wanted by having a goofy, nonsensical plot? Or was it all literal (I hope not)? Aren’t we supposed to hate the Dave Matthews Band? And if this episode was the last ever, why was Shirley hardly in it/?
Look at it this way. Episodes that were better and had more emotion like “Cooperative Polygraphy,” “Geothermal Escapism,” and even “G.I. Jeff” would’ve made better season finales then this. During and after this one, it just felt rushed and with too many zany ideas.
Unsurprisingly, Jeff and Britta didn’t make good on their desperate wedding plans after the school is saved. After getting trapped in the underground computer lab by Carl, Richie, and the self-confirmed, mentally ill Chang, Jeff had to use his emotions to reactivate Raquel, Borchert’s super computer, with his strongest emotions coming during his interaction with Annie, so I guess that tired love triangle is alive again.
Not a whole lot left to ponder for next season after this year’s finale. It lacked the emotional punch of others. The first one ended with the Jeff/Britta/Annie love triangle cliffhanger, season 2 concluded with Pierce leaving the group after the second paintball war, and season 3 finished with the gang moving on with their lives. Even last year’s shitty finale had Jeff and Pierce graduating.
As of now, the show hasn’t been officially picked up for a sixth season, but you’d figure since the show is so close to “six seasons and a movie,” and with NBC having had trouble finding much success for several years (the tag during the credits pokes fun at that to wonderful effect), it’ll probably be back on the schedule. I guess it depends on what fails.