Monday Afternoon Roundtable: Dream venues

This week, the Heave staff was asked:
You have a chance to play a concert at any venue in Chicago. Where do you play and why?
Adam Cowden
Northerly Island. My band in high school actually got to play here once (sort of). We played in a VIP tent, not the main stage. I think it’s the most beautiful venue anywhere in the city during the summer — you’ve got the water on one side and the city on the other. I’d love to play the main stage someday.
Meghan Bongartz
Well, probably whatever venue people are least likely to show up at. To say that I’m not musically talented would be the understatement of the year, so any concert I’d play would be pretty miserable for everyone involved.
Johnny Coconate
Wrigley Field before it becomes a mini-mall/Disney World/beer prices just went up.
Trent Zuberi
I’ve been blessed to play a lot of the venues in Chicago with my band HEMI (, but the one that has evaded me in my 11 years has been The Metro. I could put the cherry on the top of my musical career with a performance there.
Frank Macarthy
I would’ve given my left foot to play at Oz. It was like a broke-ass, Midwestern CBGB. No sign. No closing time. No age restrictions. It was perfect. You know, until the cops shut it down for obvious reasons.
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer
Existing: Lincoln Hall. Sure, it’s cheating, but there isn’t a better-sounding room in the city and it’s both small enough to feel intimate and big enough to make you feel like a badass.
Deceased: Ronny’s. When I think of punk clubs, I think of places that could actually be mistaken for giant urinals at a casual glance. And for better or worse, Ronny’s was that. Its posters offering $1 cans of PBR still sit outside with pride as a reminder of the squalor that once graced its walls. Probably quite literally.