The Man Who Invented Beer: Breckenridge Agave Wheat

Every Wednesday in The Man Who Invented Beer, Adam Cowden runs down the latest in craft beer, often with a history lesson for flavor.
If you’ve missed my column the past few weeks, let me first say sorry, and let me next say thank you for actually reading it. I’ve been working double time starting a new job and preparing for the madness that is Beach Haus (if you want to know what this is, send me an e-mail). But because I’m stuck in an office chair taping my feet in restless anticipation for Beach Haus to begin tomorrow, I thought I would take a few moments to bring you a quick, abbreviated review.
What’s the story?
Breckenridge Brewery is located in that haven of hops and hippies known as Colorado. The company was founded by home-brewer/ski-bum Richard Squire, who began brewing back in the 1980s.
Why should I drink it?
I got to taste this at a “Full Moon Pickin’ Party” just outside of Nashville, where alongside PBR, Coors and Bud Light, it was by far the tastiest offering. It’s pretty widely available, cheap, and easy to drink (as we’ll soon discuss).
What does it taste like?
Just like the bottle suggests, this tastes like a Mexican-ified wheat beer. In fact, it almost tastes as though a Yazoo Dos Perros coupled with a Harpoon UFO and had this likable bastard son. The agave nectar sweetens the beer in a similar, though more subtle way to the flaked maize in Dos Perros, and the beer is refreshing, light, and flavorful in the same way as a Harpoon UFO Hefeweizen. There’s also some noticeable citrus flavors, though these are less the banana-like flavors typically associated with wheat beers and more lime-y, tequila-y flavors that you expect to be paired with a Mexican beer.
At 4.2%, this is a very light beer. In fact, the beer does taste a bit watered down, and both the flavor and smooth, foamy mouthful that you would expect from a wheat beer suffer somewhat. To me, this seems almost like a “wheat beer-lite;” there are certainly better-tasting options available, but probably none that are as light, drinkable, and still-very-tasty as this.
Should I try it?
I would. If you see it on tap alongside PBR and Bud (like I did), certainly go for it — it’s a much better beer that you can still stick with all night. I would even go so far as to recommend picking up a six-pack next time you’re at Binny’s. Just don’t expect to be floored.
Rating: 6/10
You should bring some Beach Haus Pilsener (from NJ) to your next Beach Haus event.