Friday’s media round-up: 5/3

Welcome to the media round-up, in which the Heave staff shows you what they’ve been into this week.
Jonathan Mondragon
Might be one of the most haunting song/video combos I’ve seen, from one of the most expansive and brutal post-metal records of the year, by none other than the eight-piece Swedish monster Cult of Luna.
Adam Cowden
I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to shamelessly promote the music blog I write for: http://
Mike Stern
The most absurd thing I could find at C2E2: the Hot Wheels Jawa Racer. And yes, I bought it.
Quinn McGee
You know the Manic Pixie Dream Girl? Well, Noel Kristi has a great impression for everyone. I’ve seen her Zooey Deschanel Show videos, and they’re fantastic. This is no different. You should check out her channel when you get the chance.
Trent Zuberi
The death of Jeff Hanneman of Slayer has really hit the metal scene (myself included) pretty hard this week. Lots of people on the scene have been buzzing about Slayer and reminding one another of their impact. I feel that there’ll be a bit of a jump in their record sales and an overall attention to classic metal over the next few weeks.
Dominick Mayer
I’ve been all about Danny Brown’s XXX mixtape for a while now, even if I got on the train after it made the year-end best-of rounds. That said, the closing track “30” continues to be one of the most haunting hip hop songs. Get the mixtape; it’s free, and although I’m attaching it here via YouTube, you need a full-quality version to really appreciate how layered and beautiful the production really is.