Monday Morning Roundtable: Best Songs of 2012

This week, the Heave staff was asked:
What’s your favorite song off an album released in 2012?
Cory Clifford
Foxygen easily had the best debut album in ages. Their combination of Rolling Stones, ELO and The Moody Blues makes for a perfect execution of retroactivity, and one of my favorite songs all year has been their super-funky track “Waitin’ 4 U.”
Quinn McGee
Hands down, “Satisfaction” by Allen Stone, from his self-titled album. This might not be fair since the album was self-released last year and widely released in 2012, but it’s one of the best songs I’ve heard in a while.
Josh Watkins
Regrettably, I haven’t done a tremendous amount of digging for new music in 2012. I’m gonna cop out and say “Swimming Pools (Drank)” by Kendrick Lamar, because drank.
Jonathan Mondragon
Grizzly Bear’s “Sun In Your Eyes.” It’s the perfect way to close out a perfect album: huge, jazzy and gorgeous, with swelling strings, simple piano and a damn cool drum part. And when the huge climax comes in at the end, and the fuzzed-out bass hits you, you’ll probably agree.
John Franklin Dandridge
Best song on an album this year: “10,000 Scorpions/Faraway Lightning” from Moonface’s Heartbreaking Bravery.
Shelby Shaw
Without a doubt, hands down, no second-guessing ifs, ands, or buts here, my answer is Liars’ “No.1 Against The Rush” off this year’s album, WIXIW. Seeing the song performed live was mind-altering in the best of ways. Listening to it on repeat for days at a time comes close in comparison, but not close enough.
Dominick Mayer
I have a lot of candidates, and I’m almost pained that I can’t put Death Grips’ “Hacker” here, because I’ve easily listened to that more times than anything else put out this year. However, I have to go with Japandroids’ “Continuous Thunder,” just because it’s the perfect climax to an album that violently thrums with the cadence of youth, allowing that fury to slowly come down into a pensive, triumphant ballad about reckless gestures of love. More succinctly, it gives me so many more feels than I’m even equipped to negotiate.