Monday Morning Roundtable: Post-Thanksgiving

This week, the Heave staff was asked:
What’d you do over Thanksgiving break?
Jonathan Mondragon
For my Thanksgiving, I woke up frustratingly sick, took medicine the entire day, had an unremarkable dinner, and watched some X-Files. Hopefully next year’s will be better…
Patrick McGee
I went Black Friday shopping and watched Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. So basically my Thanksgiving was a cocktease with a lot of promises of greatness, but very little payoff.
Calhoun Kersten
Well, I ordered pizza with a buddy, played Halo 4, and watched Hitchcock movies. That makes me sound kinda tragic, but it was either that or spend time with my family. The choice just seems obvious.
Benjamin Kessell
Your mom.
Mark Jaeschke
My thanksgiving (I AM NOW A GRADUATE, WHAT IS A BREAK?) was spent playing Sonic and Knuckles with my younger cousins. It was a hoot and a half. Later on, Castle Crashers and Halo 3 were beaten by my brother and I. What a night!
Johnny Coconate
I went 3 for 3 picking football teams to win, and I ate a lot of food. Take what you ate and add two pounds of food. I might have a problem. Somebody call the Cowboys, I’ll fit in perfectly.
Patrick Gill
My roommate and I fit nine other people, let alone family members, around our table. We cooked two turkeys, and now have leftovers for days. Also my parents visited, which means I drank a lot of wine. Good wine, happy wine, not flavored with my tears wine.
William Jones
What break?
Shelby Shaw
No turkey leftovers for me, as I was not offered anything from my vegan friend’s Thanksgiving (where our “turkey roast” was “soy protein isolate”). Mostly I relished in remembering what it was to try to remember what day of the week it is, or whether an alarm must be set, or whether-once finally waking-I actually had to get up (I always had to). Thanksgiving break, for any hard-working 20-something (as we all know, I’m sure), isn’t so much a “break” as it is just an extra ~48 hours to try to get done what you have. Aside from figuring that all out, my performance in Beau O’Reilly’s “Evanston, Which Is Over There” still ran on Saturday and Sunday (and will continue through December 16th) at The Side Project in Rogers Park. And now back to Monday…
Mike Alexander
Some quality family time, frequented the gym, and seemed to forget what exactly sober is. Also got to meet my sister’s new boyfriend; surprisingly, I wasn’t a complete asshole.
Meghan Bongartz
I gained five pounds in turkey and pie and broke my vow not to respond to anything political that my cousin’s very conservative fiance might say. Were other people doing something that wasn’t that?
Dominick Mayer
I went home, saw my sisters, discovered that Claire’s is now one big commercial for One Direction, ate a ton of food, ate even more food, ate still more food until my tiny body was broken and bonded with my girlfriend’s family members over “Trapped In The Closet.” I also finally finished Portal 2 on co-op, only to discover that the additional co-op DLC is exponentially harder than anything in the game.