Friday’s media round-up

Calhoun Kersten
Anyone who knows me at all probably has already heard me extol the virtues of ABC’s Happy Endings. Unfortunately, the sitcom doesn’t make its return til late October, so I’ve resorted to what GIFs and YouTube clips I can find. My friend posted a video on my wall the other day and I’ve been watching it on repeat ever since.
Ben Kessell
If you haven’t started watching Birgirpall’s adventures in video game trolling, then you’ve probably been watching Ask a Mortician instead. At least, that’s all I do on YouTube when I can’t find footage of Russians doing dangerous shit in public. Birgirpall’s antics may not be anything new but I think the fact that he keeps putting this stuff out, despite his handicap of being Swedish, is amazing. Keep up the good work Burger Paul!
Mike Haverty
Gravity Falls, a new cartoon on the Disney Channel, is one of the best animated show to come out in the last 10 years. I know that’s a huge title to bestow on a newer show, but Gravity Falls has hit more highs in the first nine episodes than some programs do in their entire run. It follows twelve year old twins Dipper (Jason Ritter) and Mabel (Kristen Schaal) living with their great uncle (and not-so-great conman) for a summer in Gravity Falls, a sleepy Oregon town filled with quirky locals and lots of secrets. Creator Alex Hirsch combines the childhood Gothic of Eerie, Indiana, the intrigue of Twin Peaks, and a sense of humor that bests most television. Kristin Schaal has found her best character yet, but all the voice work is top notch. Not bad for a kids show half way through its first season. Catch up now.
Mike Stern
This (probably doctored) photo has been floating around the web for the last few days and I think it’s pretty funny.
Dominick Mayer
Seetha Sankaranarayan
I discovered a world of literature about infamous former xoJane beauty editor/former Vice columnist/forever pillhead Cat Marnell this week. As she told Page Six, “I couldn’t spend another summer meeting deadlines behind a computer at night when I could be on the rooftop of Le Bain looking for shooting stars and smoking angel dust with my friends and writing a book, which is what I’m doing next.” Just what we need! Another memoir about how tragically awesome it is to be a brutally, chronically flawed, yet trendy. You know, because A Million Little Pieces, Smashed, and Loose Girl didn’t drive the point home. The glamorization of drug abuse is sooooooooo cool.
Cory Clifford
From the mouth of Paul Ryan Gosling, my favorite tweet in response to his speech’s backlash:
Hey girl, @FoxNews called my speech “dazzling, deceiving, and distracting,” but wait until they see my jazz hands.
Desiree Mitchell
This is a great remix of the original, which sounds significantly sadder. I prefer this one to the original since it makes the song a tad bit more upbeat. I had this playing on repeat while plowing through a buttload of reading for school.