Monday Morning Roundtable: Concerts

This week, the Heave staff was asked:
For a lot of people, this weekend’s Lollapalooza left them with indelible concert memories. What’s your all-time favorite concert memory, and why?
Andrew Neel
Despite being thrown into a brief afternoon slot, Sigur Ros made the most of their limited performance time and delivered a moving, masterful set that temporarily silenced an awestruck Lolla crowd.
Cory Clifford
One of my closest friends used to be really into entering contests when we were younger, and one year he entered a contest to win tickets to one of three sold-out Pixies Doolittle shows. He won them, and we had such a blast. The Pixies were a huge deal for me as a teenager, and they performed terrifically.
Mike Stern
The best concert I ever saw was Stevie Ray Vaughan at a 1,000-seat theater in the Detroit area. He played an amazing set in such an intimate venue, and it was awesome. His brother Jimmy’s band The Fabulous Thunderbirds opened, and Jimmy came out for the encore and the two played together. It was dueling blues guitarists to the end. Awesome.
Possibly the most fun I’ve had was dancing and running around with friends in an absolute downpour at the 2011 Lollapalooza while Cage the Elephant played. No one left, and the band refused to stop. When the “even on a cloudy day” refrain of “Shake Me Down” came up, it was an incredible moment.
Calhoun Kersten
Rogue Wave at Priscilla, back when I lived in Cincinnati. It’s hard to come up with too many fond memories in Ohio, but it was one of the greatest. We got there late and only heard about four songs, but the band stayed behind an extra half hour or so just shooting the shit. When you’re a culturally-starved 16-year-old in Ohio, that kind of thing is unforgettable.
John Franklin Dandridge
My best concert memory was the first time I saw my favorite band, Radiohead. It was 2002 in Grant Park. It took all summer to get a ticket, but the journey was well worth it.
Dominick Mayer
It was late September, 2009. The World/Inferno Friendship Society, easily one of my favorite bands ever, headlined at Subterranean, and my friends and I got there early enough to be pressed up right against the stage. I’ve seen WxFx a few times now, but that was easily their best setlist, crossing over all of their albums, and they played for the better part of an hour and a half. Watching a bunch of sweaty, early-twentysomething dudes jump around to cabaret punk (and watching frontman Jack Terricloth jump all over us) was easily the most fun I’ve ever had at a show.