Friday’s media round-up

Bill Jones
Death of Tony Sly – Unfortunately, the thing that caught my attention most, or maybe “hit me hardest” is a better way to phrase it, was the death of Tony Sly. He was the front man of No Use for a Name, but he also had a great solo career going in recent years, along with his collaborative albums with Joey Cape. As I write this, no cause of death has been announced, but he was touring with Joey Cape (Lagwagon) at the time. I considered him to be one of the best songwriters and performers in the punk scene. I just absolutely loved the sound of the music he made, and I had the privilege to interview him once. Again, as of this time, I’m not sure what happened, but he is a musical talent that will be greatly missed.
Josh Watkins
New Kendrick Lamar on REPEAT son.
Cory Clifford
Dude, TLC is awful. Really, you’re gonna make a show called “My Teen Is Pregnant And So Am I”???? They’re awful. End of discussion.
Dominick Mayer
Since Lolla weekend is upon us, I can only anticipate the moment in roughly 48 hours from now in which I’ll be hearing this with tens of thousands of people around me.
Patrick McGee
I have been following this ladies’ YouTube channel for months and every time she puts up a new video, I am absolutely blown away. She is going on tour as well and will be having a show here in Chicago at The Bottom Lounge, so I am pretty excited.
Amy Dittmeier
Considering I’m going out tonight and plan on getting very sloshed and singing Dashboard Confessional loudly, this video is extremely relevant:
Andrew Neel
“North Side Gal” – J.D. McPherson – This song might be a few years old, but it’s been getting lots of airtime on 93.1 in Chicago recently, which is how I first heard it. It’s got a sound from an earlier era, and an energy that will keep you listening to it over and over again: