Monday Morning Roundtable: Olympics

This week, the Heave staff was asked:
The London 2012 Olympics hype has begun. With about a month to go, what event are you most excited for, and why?
Quinn McGee
I am personally most excited for the underrepresented track and field sports, like shotput, discus and javelin throwing. The only reason I am excited for these is because they seem to be the only sports that would be useful in war. They are like soldiers competing out there.
Patrick Gill
The Marathon. Really though, any event on the track, as there is some lingering sense of high school hoo-yah left in me and I loved throwing a discus. Running I did for my family, so there is a hint of love and adversarial scowling (against running, not my family). I was raised by/among pain junkie distance runners. Now, I like to eat cookies and maybe do light yoga if I feel too guilty while watching clips from marathons; it’s a rare indulgence I take to remind myself who’s in charge of this body now. Also, the second alternate for the marathon, Brett Gotcher, is from my hometown and ran against my brother and sister. So if Ryan Hall, Dathan Ritzenhein and Abdi Abdirahman all get freak leg injuries or are taken out in any other capacity, its up to a person with an equally strangely pronouced name to do the job. Nothing will happen to Meb Keflezighi though, he’s too much of a boss. Again, the names.
Desiree Mitchell
Football. The real kind. I’m rooting for Germany. Pow! And if they fall behind, mayyyybe the US of A. I love football, used to play in high school. Watching it live would be better. Football fans go all out. Best experience ever. I’m pretty sure everyone else will be keeping an eye on football. Also, I refuse to call it the other name they call it… Yeah, it starts with an ‘S’.
Cory Clifford
I totally forgot this existed. Is basketball a choice?
Johnny Coconate
The Dark Knight Rises. It’s an Olympic event where I watch that movie in a marathon that includes running in place, sitting in place, eating popcorn and punching people who don’t turn off their cell phones. I’ve been training for this event for a while, so I should be ready. I’m just waiting for Nike’s endorsement deal to come. Don’t know why it hasn’t, I mean, I’m more of an athlete than Michael Phelps.
Meghan Bongartz
I’m interested in anything track and field related, especially the 800m and 1500m since those are what I used to run. The 400m is the best to watch, though, because it’s an incredibly long sprint. You see the runners giving everything for 300 meters and then very visibly hitting a wall, but they keep going, and it’s the ones who can stop their stride from breaking who are going to finish well.
Dominick Mayer
I tend to be a fan of the weirdly obscure sports (I prefer the Winter Olympics just for the presence of the biathalon), because I’ve always been so fascinated by the idea that somebody devotes years of their life to training for this very specific thing that may only garner them national attention for a brief time every four years. And even then, those sports tend to show at two in the morning, or in the middle of the day when everyone’s at work, meaning only cult fandom from a legion of insomniacs and people who enjoy marijuana awaits them. So, with that in mind, I am looking forward to the boxing competition; unlike normal boxing, there’s no money in it. These guys train for years at beating the shit out of other guys just for glory. Which is pretty great.