Head to Head: Marvel movies

This week, we at Head To Head considered: Now that The Avengers is out, what’s the next Marvel movie you’d like to see?
Dominick Mayer
The Irredeemable Ant-Man needs to be a movie. And it probably won’t be, because we’re in a period where, for better or worse, superhero movies are absurdly profitable. Therefore, the R-rated superhero movie is going to be harder to come by until we have a few more Green Lanterns to flop triumphantly and restore the natural balance of things. (Sidebar: This also means that my dream of a halfway watchable Punisher film is all but certainly on the backburner.) It doesn’t help that Disney also owns the rights to Marvel, which means that the sordid tale of Eric O’Grady will go untold. Irredeemable is one of the most honest portraits of how most real-life superheroes would work. If you had an incredible shrinking suit, would you use it for the enabling of the greater good? Maybe, but you’d at least consider using it to steal things and look at naked women. And that’s what O’Grady does. And it’s beautiful.
Amy Dittmeier
As much as I would love a R-rated Deadpool movie, I think seeing Tony Stark go through his early Invincible Iron Man story line in the third Iron Man movie would be fantastic. Why these new Marvel movies are so successful is because they’re showing superheroes with flaws. Flaws we can all relate to. Sure, you have super strength or the hammer of the gods. But Captain America is still a man that’s lost everything, a man out of time, and Thor is an arrogant asshole whose own brother betrayed him.
In the story arc “The Five Nightmares,” Tony sees Stark technology, specifically his arc reactor tech used in the Iron Man suit, used against him by Ezekiel Stane, son of Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges). Ezekiel implants suicide bombers with these arc reactors and sets them loose, destroying Stark Industries all over the world as well as many public gathering spaces. Invincible Iron Man, written by Matt Faction, continues to show a humanized Tony Stark, something they attempted in Iron Man 2 while briefly playing with Tony’s problems with alcohol. This is a story line that shows a helpless Stark, one that’s lost control of the his own creation and is now seeing it used against him in the worst way. Let’s get dark with Iron Man guys. Let’s break that rich playboy.
“It doesn’t help that Disney also owns the rights to Marvel, which means that the sordid tale of Eric O’Grady will go untold.”
There seems to be this weird assumption going around that all Disney-owned properties are family friendly. Disney released mature flicks under the Hollywood Pictures and Touchstone labels, meaning there is no reason they would shy away from showing more than just the capes and tights side of the Marvel Universe. And if ABC and ABC Family is any indication, Disney has a much looser view of “Family Friendly” than most people seem to give them credit for.