Charm City Devils need more Devil, less charm

Charm City Devils
Release Date: Apr 10, 12
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Since the Beatles came to the US in the early 60s the popularity of rock music has waxed and waned. Right now it’s certainly not at an apex. That doesn’t mean there aren’t rock fans out there who want to raise a fist in the air and there are still bands trying to deliver for them. The Charm City Devils are one of those groups.
It’s nice to hear new music from a group that isn’t a Nu Metal outfit with growling, cookie-monster vocals. This five member group from Baltimore is a straight-ahead rock outfit that has more in common with Nickelback than Korn or Slipknot. That, however, is a double edged sword. It’s nice to hear some straight ahead rock that Chad Kroeger isn’t singing (or producing) but the Charm City Devils are so entrenched in that vein he might as well be.
Overall, the music on Sins is tight with a number of songs that got my foot tapping and my head nodding. The guitar work throughout the record is really solid offering great riffs in songs like “LoveNWar,” and “Unstoppable.” Add in the strong rock n’ roll voice of lead singer John Allen and you have a formula that could incite many a crowd to rock…almost.
What’s missing are great lyrics. The songs on Sins are cliché, overly obsessed with rhyming and just not very inspiring. The group needs an infusion of anger, heartbreak or some other emotion that will lead to songs with more passion. That’s what will ultimately make the difference for this band.
For anyone in search of a good rock band the Charm City Devils are worth a listen. “Unstoppable” is a good fist-pumper and there’s more than a bit of grunge hidden in “Man of Constant Sorrow” and “Blame.” Even some of the more Nickelback-esque efforts like “Devils is a Woman” and “Problem” are worth the time.
But for anyone looking for a band that is going to stab Katy Perry in the throat while physically dragging rock back to prominence the Charm City Devils aren’t it. At least not yet.