Pocket Protectors: Interview with Cullen Bunn

When I pick up something and I really enjoy it, I become a woman obsessed. Now when I say obsessed, I don’t mean I consume said media item and I’m done. No, I consume it, research everything about everyone connected to it, consume those things that I’ve found, and it slowly webs out into an oblivion of media devouring. This voracious and unhealthy appetite is what lead me to find Cullen Bunn. I downloaded the first issue of The Sixth Gun, a series Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt produce on Oni Press, on a whim and loved it. I then bought, downloaded, and borrowed everything both men have ever touched. Bunn has written everything from short horror stories, indie comics, and arcs on major comic book labels and he brings his own personal touch to each one. You can pick up a comic without knowing the author and know that Cullen Bunn wrote it just by the way he creates a story around the character, instead of barraging you with action scene upon action scene. We got a chance to chat with Bunn about The Sixth Gun, his work on Marvel’s Fear Itself, and his other works, as well as what it’s like to go from someone who loves reading comics to someone who is now writing them. And we get the inside scoop about The Sixth Gun and Damned shows that are in the works on SyFy and Showtime, respectively.
You can learn more about Cullen Bunn and keep up to date with his writing through his official website. If you want to read more by Bunn go to your local comic book store and pick up The Sixth Gun, Damned, Batman/Superman, or Fear Itself: The Fearless, and keep an eye out for his runs on Wolverine and Venom – The Savage Six coming out very soon.
[…] Creators | Amy Dittmeier settles in for a half-hour podcast interview with Cullen Bunn, writer of The Sixth Gun. [Heave Media] […]
[…] HEAVEmedia Heave Media shares their latest installment of Pocket Protectors where they interviewed Cullen Bunn (author of Marvels’ Fear Itself: The Fearless and Oni Press’ The Sixth […]
[…] Bunn is one of my favorite comic book writers, hands down. I got the opportunity a long time ago to talk to him before he really started doing Marvel lines. It was nice to “catch up” […]