Tour dates: Cass McCombs joins Lower Dens for tour

Cass McCombs is ready to start his big US tour, his first large-scale tour since the release of Wit’s End. But he’s not doing it alone. Joining McCombs is Lower Dens, and the duo is sure to make for an exciting aural experience. To get his fans in the spirit McCombs released a new video for his single “Buried Alive” which gives them a preview as to what his live show will look like:
07-11 Birmingham, AL – The Bottletree*
07-12 Atlanta, GA – Drunken Unicorn *
07-13 Nashville, TN – The Basement *
07-14 Asheville, NC – Harvest Records *
07-15 Washington, DC – Black Cat *
07-16 Baltimore, MD – Golden West Cafe *
07-17 Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brendas *
07-18 Cambridge, MA – TT the Bears *
07-19 Northampton, MA – Iron Horse *
07-20 Hoboken, NJ – Maxwell’s
07-21 Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg *
07-22 Montreal, QC – II Motore *
07-23 Toronto, ONT – Rivoli *
07-24 Indianapolis, IN – White Rabbit Cabaret
07-25 Chicago, IL – Schuba’s *
07-26 Chicago, IL – Hideout*
07-27 Minneapolis, MN – 7th St Entry
07-29 Denver, CO – Larimer Lounge
07-31 Pioneertown, CA – Pappy & Harriet’s #
09-03 Los Angeles, CA – FYF Fest
09-08 Portland, OR – MusicFest Northwest
* w/ Lower Dens
# w/ Thurston Moore