Dr. Jack Kevorkian: A Eulogy

The right to die activist and old person exterminator, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, has died himself at age 83 after a blood clot from his leg broke free and lodged in his heart. Dr. K, as we called him around the office, led a super creepy lifestyle, with all the infatuation with death and what not.
Jack became known as Dr. Death in 1956 when he became obsessed with taking photographs of dying patient’s eyes. And people think I’m weird because I’m in my 30s and still like to read comic books!
Before he became a euthanasia advocate for terminally ill patients, Dr. Kevorkian was a proponent for killing prison inmates and harvesting their organs. In most cases, I’m a fan of euthanasia, but killing prisoners to harvest their organs doesn’t sit quite right with me.
I prefer making prisoners choreograph their own dance moves.
In 1989 a quadriplegic swimmer named Bob publicly asked for help in assisting with his suicide and Kevorkian accepted the challenge. He quickly began making his now famous “suicide machine”. However, it was Janet Adkins a 54 year old with Alzheimer’s, who was the first to take a ride on “Old Killey”.
People were super pissed that Dr. K had the audacity to “play god”. Apparently, it’s totally cool to “play god” when you are bringing people into the world through invetro-fertilization and the like, but taking a life…..(gasp). Jack had beaten Michigan prosecutors four times before he was finally convicted of second-degree murder in 1999. Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison, but was paroled in 2007, in failing health and nearing his own death.
In 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the US government has a higher claim on the lives of Americans then we do, and ruled that there is no Constitutional right to end a human life. 10th Amendment anyone?
Jack Kevorkian was released from prison in 2007, and like most criminals, decided to run for office. However, unlike most criminals, he failed to get elected.
In 2010, television producers thought to themselves, “a biography on Jack Kevorkian’s life starring consummate over actor Al Pacino will be hilarious”. Those producers then made that show, and it was in fact hilarious.
To conclude, I admired and respected Dr. Jack Kevorkian. With that said, he was creepy as hell. I mean, who spends their life infatuated with death? Who decides they want to become an activist to harvest prisoner organs, and/or assist in suicides?
To be fair, the prisoner thing was only for death row inmates and he was suggesting that they to be killed in a way that their organs could still be of use. Strange dude though, he also painted and made some music if i remember correctly.
To be fair, the prisoner thing was only for death row inmates and he was suggesting that they to be killed in a way that their organs could still be of use. Strange dude though, he also painted and made some music if i remember correctly.
Are you sure he wasn’t trying to eat them? I’m pretty sure he wanted to eat them. In all seriousness, let’s euthanize people. Especially old people. They’re just too creepy.