Live Review: Baths @ Subterranean

When people ask me what’s happening in electronic music today, the first thing that comes to mind is Baths. The more popular answer should be Flying Lotus, but Baths is a little more challenging and youthful. 21-year-old Will Wiesenfeld creates glitchy soundscapes that kids can dance to (ages 17 and up, at the Subterranean). Wiesenfeld’s energy isn’t as apparent on record, but when he’s on stage he’s in constant motion.
Wiesenfeld has a blast up there with his Akai MIDI contoller, twisting knobs and hitting pads constantly. It’s like watching a kid play with his favorite toy, and we all share it by dancing around with him. The bass was turned all the way up in the Subterranean, the best I’ve ever heard it in that venue. I missed Baths when he was at Lincoln Hall last year with Dosh, but I can barely imagine what those two sounded like at that acoustic heaven.
I talked to Wiesenfeld before the show, and he explained Baths as music that requires “active listening” (as opposed to his other project, Geotic, which he refers to as more “passive.”). For those of us who’ve already had our fill of dubstep but never got tired of Prefuse 73 and Boards of Canada, Baths is picking up the pace. And now with Gold Panda and Delorean in the mix, glo-fi is here to stay for a while.
Half of Baths’ set was new music, the highlight of which Wiesenfeld introduced as a “really gay” song. If I could find even a YouTube of it online I would link it right here, right now. It was the danciest song of the night, dreamy with rainbow neon like fast-forwarding Enter the Void. His upcoming album should only build on the foundation established with Cerulean, making its initial eclecticism sound downright accessible.