Friday media round-up: 3/28

Here’s what the Heave staff has been into this week:
Amy Dittmeier
This week I learned that dogs experience magic very much like humans do – with confusion and excitement (and sometimes barking).
Alex Borkowski
The Black Lips released a new album this month called Under the Rainbow, and while I’ve been sort of hot and cold on them in the past, this new twelve track offering is absolutely ferocious. In particular, I consider “Boys In The Wood” to be a sort of spiritual successor to “O Katrina!” from 2007’s Good Bad Not Evil in terms of just having a crazy catchy hook to it.
Meghan Bongartz
If you, like me, check the weather about 15 times a day to see if anything has changed, but are continually annoyed with, I suggest you check out It’s clean, pretty and more detailed, and doesn’t put pop-up ads in front of the temperature. Unfortunately, it appears that the weather’s still awful on either site.
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer
Last night, I had the good fortune of seeing Under The Skin, Jonathan Glazer’s first film in nine years. It’s absolutely spectacular, and the review will go up upon the film’s Chicago release in a couple weeks. In the meantime, it moved me to go back to Glazer’s work in the ’90s as one of the music video’s most artistic and innovative minds. Perhaps his most famous video is the one for Radiohead’s “Karma Police,” which scared the shit out of me as a kid for some reason.