Friday media round-up: 2/28

Here’s what the Heave staff has been into this week:
Matt Brassil
There is a lot to list from this past week. First, True Detective went on to prove my negativity wrong with its intense narrative. The Cohle/Hart partnership is layered in all that defines the two men. The characterization is rich, and all elements point to a far more filmic approach than TV. Second, The Lego Movie may be one of the most delightfully original films in recent memory. Phil Lord and Chris Miller continue to prove themselves as a directing duo. Last, I must mention the marvelous trailer released in the last week. Guardians of the Galaxy was mentioned last week, so I want to focus on Godzilla. As a major fan of the original Gojira, I respect that this appears to be a sequel as much as it is a reboot of the franchise. I have high expectations for what I am calling the Summer of Blockbuster Weird.
Frank Macarthy
Wednesday’s 9:30 slot on Comedy Central has been a death trap for years (Ugly Americans, That’s My Bush!, Drawn Together, etc.). But, I cannot get enough of their newest late-night experiment: Broad City. It’s like Workaholics with women. It’s like Girls, if Girls was actually funny. Hopefully Comedy Central doesn’t pull another Jon Benjamin Has a Van with this one (damn I miss that show).
Meghan Bongartz
I guess I’m on the House of Cards bandwagon now, although I’m still on season one. I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason people are so addicted to it is that it’s basically reality television for educated people – you watch to see what terrible thing they’ll do next.
Amy Dittmeier
Trent Zuberi
I’m still reeling from my NYC trip last week, so this song fits.
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer
The WWE Network controls my life now. I can watch things like this whenever I damn well please.