Monday Afternoon Roundtable: Staying warm

(Photo credit: NBC Chicago)
This week, the Heave staff was asked:
Today, Chicago hit a consistent low of -15 degrees outside. What’s your favorite way to keep warm?
Ben Kessell
Matt Brassil
Favorite way to keep warm? Two words: Swiss Miss (in a Game of Thrones mug).
Trent Zuberi
My girlfriend is most likely going to read this, so the right answer is “cuddling up in bed with her and a bowl of feelings.”
Alex Borkowski
Long johns, Bud Heavy, and cartoons.
Anthony Hoffman
By the burning fire of the bodies of enemies I’ve crushed and conquered during my march towards world domination. And with a nice cup of hot cocoa topped with mini marshmallows!
Meghan Bongartz
As someone who is perpetually freezing, I’ve become an expert at the balancing act of placing my feet on my space heater without acquiring third degree burns. Also, I drink a lot of tea.
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer
The shouting I do while protesting my case before my indignant significant other in the wake of my increasingly poor performances at New Super Mario Bros. for Wii U has kept my body crackling warm all day.