Friday media round-up: 10/11

Here’s what the Heave staff has been into this week!
Honestly, the only thing that I’ve cared about this week is the return of American Horror Story. I mean, did you all SEE that Coven premiere? This is the season that’s going to make me puke and I honestly can’t wait.
Guys, I saw a movie this week! I saw two of them! And both of them were worth the sleep I gave up for them! Seriously, though, I saw Rush and Gravity and loved both of them. For those who don’t know, I do actually follow Formula 1, so I went for Hunt and Lauda’s story, not for Chris Hemsworth’s face, and I was pretty satisfied. Gravity was just fucking fantastic. Ignore the haters, it’s the best.
Pulitzer-nominated critic Matt Zoller Seitz has culled together a book unlike any other, one devoted entirely in full-color gorgeous glossy pages of hardbound covers to the films of Wes Anderson and the notoriously shy and stylized director himself. Released on Tuesday, The Wes Anderson Collection interviews no one but Anderson, and Seitz – who has known the filmmaker since his start – covers each of his films from Bottle Rocket to Moonrise Kingdom with theoretical essays supplemented by personal media provided by Anderson, along with film-specific interviews with him from cover to cover. Seitz has been touring around New York City this week and I had the pleasure of hearing him hold a panel discussion that was less about the book and more about Wes Anderson, his film world, and the off-record interviews that didn’t get put into the 327+ pages of the book. I asked Seitz if he plans to follow-up this book as Anderson’s oeuvre continues to grow (keep your eyes and ears open for news of his upcoming 1920s-Europe flick, The Grand Budapest Hotel) and thankfully he seems to be planning just that.
I got to see one of the two remaining members of my favorite band of all time, The Ramones, this week with Marky Ramone featuring Andrew WK on vocals doing a Ramones set at the Double Door. An amazing concert moment, to say the least!
After discovering earlier this week that The National is terrible music to negotiate the process of job hunting to, I shifted gears to a bunch of tech-metal, in particular Between The Buried And Me’s Colors. Enjoy this, with endless time signature shifts and relentless heaviness and one of the best square dancing breaks in metal history: