Die Curious Chapter 2: Thrones of syrup and D’Angelo

Welcome to Die Curious – HEAVEmedia’s podcast about Dungeons & Dragons. Follow Amy (Heave’s music editor), Dominick (Features editor, host of Pod People), and Quinn (Rambling Dispatches) as they embark through Dungeon Master Ben’s demented catacombs of doom.
On Chapter two: We accompany Hypatia (Amy), Hansel (Quinn), and Platagh (Dominick) further into the dungeon, Dungeon Master Ben gives us a little more information about the setting of our campaign, and we talk about D’Angelo. A lot.
If you’re wondering what br00tal tunes we used during this episode, it’s Pomegranate Tiger. Check out their Bandcamp page for more music.
This is the best podcast I’ve ever heard. Keep it up, Ben!.