Interview: Slow Animal

The three-piece band, Slow Animal, originally hail from the small town of Franklinville, New Jersey.
“It’s the most corrupt state in the nation, but South Jersey is not that bad.”
Lead vocalist Alex Karaba reveals the three now reside in Philadelphia, and at a last minute request by a friend drove their van to Chicago to play at the Empty Bottle on Wednesday night, opening for local artist Gypsy Blood.
Since 2007 the band has played house shows, at local underground venues and on the road from time to time. Their EP is available for free download through bandcamp.
(On the left: Alex Karaba and on the right: Dan Colanduno in their video for theFUNsun)
Slow animal live at Empty Bottle
“We get compared to Wavves, Beach Fossils, Best Coast. We never get labeled as anything close to garage rock–we get pegged beach pop…but that was never our goal. I say fuck sub-genres. We just like to play around with new sound.”
According to the band, image is the least of their concerns. The self-proclaimed punk rock kids who didn’t play sports in high school- or ever- have been making music since they were in middle school.
After their set Heavemedia sat down and chatted it up with Slow Animal in the basement of Empty Bottle.
Heave Media(HM):What are your names, instruments you play in the band?
Alex Karaba – guitar.vocals; Dan Colanduno – drums.vocals; Jason Milazzo – Live guitar
HM:T-Rex, David Bowie and Prince ask to come on tour with you; who do you choose?
Alex Karaba(AK): Bowie, my brother bought it on cassette when I was a kid and we’d always play it in the car. Plus he rules in The Labyrinth.
HM:You have mentioned being in a few bands since 9th grade with Dan; what has been some experiences (good or bad) that have influenced your careers as musicians?
AK: I mean they were bands, but we never really played anywhere besides local skating rinks/VFWs. Once we got sucked in to one of those shitty battle of the band scams where you had to sell at least 20 tickets to play. It was at a huge venue in Philly so we thought we made it.
HM:Who is your bottom bitch?
AK: Its tough to pick one but I’m gonna say Dan. Stink-Dog aka Dragon Trainer aka Stinkbug aka Beer Hammer aka Jordan and Jeffrey are what ever come after bottom bitch.
HM:Most precious instrument you own?
AK: The van. Dan’s parents.
HM:Can you dance? If not, what is your day job?
AK:I mean you tell me, I think we all made a feeble attempt at The Owl. I deliver pizza. Dan works at his college and Jason works at a fitness center.
HM:Fill in the blank…If I could have ____ I would be satisfied for the rest of my life.
HM:Do you bring friends on tour…what is that like and why?
AK: This is the first tour we brought a couple friends and it has easily been the most fun. I hope to make it a regular thing. Shout out to Stink-Dog aka Dragon Trainer aka Stinkbug aka Beer Hammer aka Jordan and Jeffrey.
HM:Most memorable venue you have played?
AK:Fuck Mountain. It was our friends house in New Brunswick, NJ. We played our first show there and we didn’t know any of the kids. Now they’ve become some of our best friends. They shows we’re always packed and they would get really sick bands. We once played a show with David Liebe Hart there. Shout out to Beggars In A New Land and Bummer Sanders. That’s my last shout out.
[…] HeaveMedia interviewed Slow Animal. […]