Cover Song Friday: Bad Rabbits and “1979”

It seems people from or around Chicago either love The Smashing Pumpkins or loathe The Smashing Pumpkins. I loathe The Smashing Pumpkins except for “Tonight, Tonight” and today’s cover song feature “1979.” You probably just completely judged me and said, “But Wes, those are their hits – everybody likes the hits. You poseur.” And to you I say, “Shut up.” There was just always something about the Smashing Pumpkins I couldn’t get into. They were widely popular when I was still learning what constituted good music, so you could say I missed the boat on them. Or maybe I just hate bald people. No matter my dislike for The Smashing Pumpkins, “Tonight, Tonight” and “1979” are two of the best songs to come out of the 90s. The third is probably OMC’s “How Bizzarre.”
The coverer of today is Bad Rabbits, a Boston group that make a living with a mix of power pop and soul. Their style has even garnered its own genre called “New Crack Swing,” which sounds like a fistfight between drug riddled teenagers more than anything. Bad Rabbits were Slick Rick’s back-up band at one point and, because of that, have a lust for being on the road quite a bit.
Currently Bad Rabbits is releasing songs off of Live Cover Sessions. “1979” is the third in the series, with The Deftones’ “Sextape” and Michael Jackson’s “Human Nature” already being released. Have a listen to “1979” by Bad Rabbits below.