OFF! Streams ‘First Four EPs’ Online

OFF!’s discography may only be eighteen-minutes worth of music but the LA-based quartet is making one of the biggest impacts in the scene right now. Maybe it’s because the band’s comprised of Keith Morris (Black Flag/Circle Jerks), Steven McDonald (Redd Kross), Dimitri Coats (Burning Brides), and Mario Rubalcaba (Earthless/Hot Snakes/Rocket From the Crypt), which tally up to some of the punk/hardcore scene’s biggest names. Or it could be the band’s loud, abrasive songs that play like a cheetah dashing through New York City trying to catch a rabid gazelle. Whatever it is, critics can’t get enough of OFF!.
OFF! is streaming their upcoming album First Four EPs on Think Indie before its release on December 14. If you haven’t heard their fast hits of punk cocaine yet, it’s a perfect chance to try them out before the album debuts. Or take a listen to “Upside Down” below, a track that Pitchfork recently named “Best New Music” last week. Listening to OFF! won’t take all day or even a hour but it will make it a tad more special.